
David HaberbushYou get what you pay for does not mean that legal services must be expensive to be good. There are efficient, cost-effective methods to provide necessary services at reasonable rates. At Haberbush, LLP, our top priority is to provide our clients with top first rate legal services in an affordable manner.

Depending on the nature and complexity of our work, we will agree to provide services for fixed fees or reasonable hourly rates. In either case, our clients know in advance the range of expected legal fees and expenses. Because we are sensitive to escalating legal costs, we work with our clients to maintain our fees at reasonable levels and within the budget constraints of their businesses.


David HaberbushHaberbush, LLP assists its clients in devising plans of action designed to achieve success without unnecessary delay and is committed to providing top quality legal services in a cost efficient manner. We recognize that a client’s decision to retain legal representation often involves a substantial investment time, money, and emotional energy. These things deserve a fair return. Our firm brings a unique combination of a broad base of experience and a fresh creative approach to resolving business issues in a way that delivers tangible and valuable results to our clients.

Haberbush, LLP represents its clients at Federal, State, and U.S. Bankruptcy Courts.